Thought was born blind, but Thought knows what is seeing./ Its careful touch, deciphering forms from shapes,/ Still suggests form as aught whose proper being/ Mere finding touch with erring darkness ...
Like a bad suitor desperate and trembling/ From the mixed sense of being not loved and loving,/ Who with feared longing half would know, dissembling/ With what he'd wish proved what he fears soon pro...
We are born at sunset and we die ere morn,/ And the whole darkness of the world we know,/ How can we guess its truth, to darkness born,/ The obscure consequence of absent glow?/ Only the stars do tea...
How can I think, or edge my thoughts to action,/ When the miserly press of each day's need/ Aches to a narrowness of spilled distraction/ My soul appalled at the world's work's time-greed?/ How can I...
On Destiny: "Our destiny exercises its influence over us even when, as yet, we have not learned its nature: it is our future that lays down the law of our today."
Human, All Too Human